Natural Hair Care: Do You Know How To Do The ‘Do’?

Big Chop. Teeny Weeny Afro (aka TWA). Co-Wash. Deep-Conditioning. Every-single- essential- hot -oil treatment known to woman.

As a naturalista-to-be, these are the buzz words and phrases that can dominate intense discussions of hair care with an oldie in the game or heard during a panicky search for the ideal YouTube instructional.  Assuage whatever fears one may have and make a mental note: you are certainly not the only confused person out there.

The afro hair movement can be interpreted as a subtle (or overt, depending on your ethno-cultural bias) celebration of our inheritance as proud Nigerians and Africans.  

Photography - @stormy_rebelandromance

Photography - @stormy_rebelandromance

Essentially, one has to consciously re-orientate their perspective to not view regular hair care as problematic.  You just need to learn the right lessons.

The decision to evolve back to my God-given crown of glory was certainly not taken lightly. Unfortunately, prior to “D-day”, I did fall prey to the misguided perception that I would be in a constant state of wahala.

Where do I begin? What products are ‘safe’ to use? How could I possibly tame the tangled mess of tight curls?  What the hell does 4b or 4c texture even mean in laywoman’s terms? The questions may seem endless and overwhelming so I tried to come up with 4 tips to a healthy Afro for “transitioners” and oldies alike.  

Let me give you the ABCs of kinky and curly hair care.

1.      Always make sure your “wash day” is a carefree day. There is beauty in simplicity. How often your scalp and strands of hair are stripped of their natural oils during the cleansing process is entirely preferential. It could fall on a lazy Sunday afternoon after a hectic week at work or it could be bi-monthly thing. The salient point is this: There’s no rule book or formula. Tailor a plan that works for you and your schedule. However, I would suggest once a week to start with.


2.      Find the ‘right’ products: Use Kui Conditioner from the Tea Tree & Cinnamon Range for that extra oomph.


3.      ‘Rap up’. Protective styling is a must. The mushroom-style afro is striking in itself but you gotta look after those edges and ends.  Spritz a little Kui leave-in conditioning mist and you’re well on your to luscious, bouncier curls. Type “protective styles” into the Pinterest search box for hair-spirations. Rub in a little Kui Tea Tree & Cinnamon Moisturising Hair Cream prior to styling.


4.      Opt for trimming regularly. Your luscious strands of hair are already dead. Concentrate on health rather than length.  Once a month should do the trick.

So Kui Nation, you may express your individuality in hair care treatments. Figuring out a simple treatment; just think of going back to basics. Anytime you feel overwhelmed, just remember the Kui Care ABC’s and I’m sure you’ll feel right as rain afterwards.

Written by: Efena Otobo @efenasmiles Instagram

Writer, Creator, Natural Hair enthusiast.

